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Year 5: Animal Adaptations

Resources for year 5 subjects


What is an Adaptation?

An adaptation is special characteristics that help animals survive and live in a certain type of environment.  These special characteristics can be physical - what they look like.  It can also be behavioral - how they act around other animals or in their environment.                     Polar Bear Camouflage - the polar bear's white fur helps him/her hide


What is the BEST Animal Adaptation?

What is the BEST Animal Adaptation ?
Total Votes: 0
What is the BEST Animal Adaptation ?
Total Votes: 0


Adapt - Adjusts to a certain condition to be able to survive in that environment

Survive - To remain alive

Environment - Everything that surrounds and affects a living thing, the environment includes non-living things like water and air, as well as other living things.

Habitat - The place where an animal or plant normally lives and grows 

Shelter - Something that protects from weather or danger

Living -  Being alive; having life

